


SPAR-C Title.jpg

At Aspley State High School, we offer a selective entry enrichment pathway called ‘SPAR-C’. We recognise the need to SPAR-C a student’s passion for learning, encourage them to become their best and be ready for their future. The year seven curriculum for English, Humanities, Science and Maths is taught with an explicit focus on problem solving, thinking and reasoning and working collaboratively. The SPAR-C program is designed to challenge students; it focuses on personally and collectively meaningful matters that provide opportunities for students to engage in learning. Our goal is to change the culture of learning so that the tasks have value to both the students and the world. When we design learning experiences and assessment tasks in the SPAR-C classroom, we look for ways of working that allow students to use the 6 Cs; communication, collaboration, citizenship, creativity, critical thinking and character. The SPAR-C programs allows students opportunities to engage in collaborative learning with students with similar academic goals. By compacting parts of the year 7 curriculum, the students in the SPAR-C program are able to explore topics in greater breadth and depth than normally required and thus enable learners to develop an appreciation of the wider context of the subject area. It is important to note that student progress is still measured against the achievement standards of the Australian Curriculum.

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Students who enter year 7 in the SPAR-C program gain automatic entry into the Fire Up program. This is an extra-curricular program that focuses on the deepening of reading, writing and thinking skills. The Fire Up sessions occur after school twice per term and focuses on direct links to the enriched curriculum that is studied in class. Also included in the program are curriculum related excursions. These include university immersion days, robotics and forensic science sessions, the Ancient Egyptian Museum and more.

Program requirements

  • Submit an application - including reference from current year 6 teacher and semester one year 6 report card
  • Sit the entrance exam
  • BYO iPad

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Upon successful completion of the year 7 SPAR-C program, students progress to the Embers program in year 8. This program consists of after-school workshops that aim to expand the curriculum connections made in class with an increased focus on interpreting, evaluating and writing skills. In term 1, students complete the Creative Writing Excellence Program through the University of the Sunshine Coast, which aims to develop student creativity, as well as enhance their critical reading and editing skills. Throughout terms 2 – 4 students use these new writing skills to interpret and analyse information and create unique responses in the key ideas of Science, Maths and the Humanities.

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Throughout year 9 and 10, the top 30 academic students in year 9 and in year 10 participate in four university immersion days across the year. The year 9 ALL students take part in study skills workshops at the University of the Sunshine Coast, a research and referencing skills workshop at Australian Catholic University and a STEM workshop at the Queensland University of Technology. The year 10 ALL students participate in the Responsible Future Leaders conference with the Griffith University Business School, the Queensland University of Technology Academic Skills workshop and ‘shadow a student’ for a day at the Australian Catholic University. The Aspley Leading Learners program aims to sharpen a student’s academic skills to give them an edge as they move into the senior phase of their learning journey. Over the course of these enrichment programs we wish to foster the mindset that we are perpetual amateurs and there is always room to grow and learn.
Entrance to the SPARC program is via an entrance exam held at ASHS. We are looking for students who have demonstrated high levels of academic and extra-curricular abilities, who are motivated and have a strong commitment to their learning. Consideration is also given to previous academic information provided including past report cards, NAPLAN and participation in previous academic enrichment programs. All offers of placement are at the discretion of the school.

For more information contact Ainsley Lundberg -

Last reviewed 21 January 2022
Last updated 21 January 2022